Miscellaneous Insurance
1- Fidelity Guarantee
It provides cover to the employer (the insured)for material losses he may suffer as a result of dispelling ,dishonesty or embezzlement accident committed by any of his employees provided that evidence of dishonesty has been proven with final court decision.
2- Cash in Transit
Cash in transit insurance provides coverage against losing of cash during its transit due to robbery, loss or damage.

3- Personal Accident Policy
The policy provides compensation in the event of Death or permanent disability, whether total or partial, caused by unplanned and unintended accident. The policy may be extended to include a weekly benefit (limited to a maximum of 52 weeks) in the event of temporary total disablement.
4- Personal accident policy for diving and snorkeling
The policy covers what may arise as a result of an accident that may lead to death, and also covers the expenses of rescue and hospitalization operations, and the professional liability that arises from a mistake or unintentional negligence towards others.
5- Public liability Insurance
Public Liability provides protection against third party claims towards the insured in the event of personal injury or property damage as a direct result of business activities.
6- Civil Liability of Petroleum Companies
Public Liability provides protection against third party claims towards the insured petroleum companies in the event of personal injury or property damage as a direct result of business activities.
7- Passenger Liability
Public Liability provides protection against third party claims towards the insured from passengers of cars or buses owned by the insured against bodily injury or death due to accidents that may occur to them.

8- Employer's Liability
It is an insurance policy that handles claims against employer from his employees who have suffered a work-related injury or illness.
9- Elevator Insurance
A mandatory policy for a period of 3 years covering accidents that occur to elevator passengers which may cause physical injuries or material damage, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. (119) for the year 2008 and Ministerial decision No. (144) for the year 2009.
10- Civil Liability for Medical Malpractice
Medical malpractice insurance, is a type of professional liability insurance which protects Doctors and other licensed health care professionals from liability associated with wrongful practices causing bodily injury, medical expenses as well as the cost of defending lawsuits related to such claims.
11- Householders
The policy covers the contents of the apartment to be insured against the following risks:

12- Plate Glass Policy
It covers the glass storefronts of shops and malls against of breakage or damage.
13- Livestock Insurance
It provides protection for your livestock against injury, illness and disease.
14- Loan credit insurance
The company undertakes, according to this policy, to pay to the bank the value of the remaining loan installments on the insured in case of his inability to pay three consecutive installments after verifying the inability of the insured to pay.